Patient-centered care

Your patients look to you to provide guidance, information, comfort and compassion. When you increase engagement, it can lead to a multitude of positive outcomes such as:

  • Improving your patients’ awareness and appreciation of the integral role you play in their health care
  • Enhancing their understanding and comfort with radiology tests and procedures
  • Empowering them to make better-informed decisions about their health care

Radiology Cares® is an RSNA initiative designed to give you the resources and educational materials you and your colleagues need to become more patient-centered in your practice and better align with your patients’ needs.

“Your dedication to the comfort and needs of your patients is beyond measure.”

— Radiology patient, Ohio


Resources for patients is a free, peer-reviewed resource for your patients to learn about radiology procedures, written in patient-friendly language.

Communication toolkit

Customizable patient-centered communication materials for use in your practice, plus examples from other radiology practices.

Reading list

Our index to resources about the movement to become patient centered from experts, scientific journals, medical trade publications, mainstream consumer media and videos.

Patient-centered care learning set

A downloadable curriculum of 11 interactive learning modules intended to educate trainees about the importance of patient-centered care.

Contact us

Send your questions, share your success stories or exchange ideas about patient-centered radiologic care with us by emailing

No medical advice or referrals

The information posted on RSNA’s website should not be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified radiology professional. RSNA does not answer specific medical questions or refer people to a particular radiology professional.